Energy cleansing should be a staple in your self care work. Stale, stuck or old energy can wreak havoc on your mind + body.
I know first hand. Massage therapist, Reiki master + tarot reader here. These fields are MAGNETS for unwanted energy. If you’re out in public or around other a lot, good news. You can absolutely do this wherever you are.
More good news- this is fun! I’m sharing my favorite energy cleansing technique below. It’s inspired by Debra Lynn Katz’s intuition tools + adds some fun elements from The Housewives’ Tarot. That deck has a homey, kitschy vibe I was really feeling.
You’ll start with a classic chakra visualization + make it as luxuriant as you want! Use the picture below as a guide. We’re just using colors- don’t worry about names for now.
Energy Cleansing Visualization
This can be done wherever you are. It’s best while sitting or walking when you don’t have to pay attention to other things. Get a mental image of your body with glowing chakras. See the colors + all your chakras line up, from your root to your crown.
Give yourself a grounding cord running from the base of your spine into the Earth. Picture the cord as anything you want. Imagine it meets something to drain into all the way into the Earth. A big, sparkly crystal. A beautiful lake.
Run the wash
Imagine soapy suds running up + down your chakras, spinning them as they go. See them easily cleaning your chakras, leaving them glowing + brightly colored. Let the first wash run down through your grounding cord, to be transmuted by the Earth’s object you chose. Add another wash of clean, shimmering water.
But don’t stop there. The fun is in the details.
Tailor your visualization to your desires, goals + personality
Sprinkle sparkly, rose scented powder from a box labeled “LOVE”. Throw in a rainbow colored pod to boost the cleansing of all your chakras. Or pick a color to clear a specific one.⠀
Love bath bombs? Make your own Lush shop in your mind, stocked with fizzy bath bombs with amazing colors + exotic scents. Label the little chalkboard signs with whatever you want- Passion, Success, Perfect Home, Fabulous Business. Throw em in + watch the colors flow through the wash!⠀
Give it a good whirl. Then let everything run down the drain, your grounding cord.
Have fun with it! Do this daily. You may have new ideas, renewed motivation + clarity of mind after this exercise.
Let me help you with a Reiki session. Healing energy sent to you worldwide, for whatever your intention is.